Denims are always in trend and why shouldn’t they be? After all you can wear denims any day, any time and they make you look smarter and you are able to carry yourself comfortably in them. The best part of wearing denims is that they can combined with many different kinds of tops, be it stripped, floral, tank tops, jerseys or even formal shirts to create a semi formal look. Denims are like your favourite picks while travelling, while at leisure or while you just hanging with your friends. Denims are your best friends as they make you appear sleek and chic.
While denims are easy to maintain and usually do not get torn or ripped easily, there are times when your favourite denim has bad day too. You may have got a few of jeans even from your high school days as they are favourite ones, however over a period of time, it may have lost it colour or may have started looking out of fashion. Scroll over as we bring a few hacks to make your old denims appear new and how you can create glamorous and flashy looks with your denim wear:
1. Squeaky Clean Jeans

You don’t need to wash your jeans too often to remove the bad odours or the sweat smells. Get of the gross bacteria by simply placing your denims in a zip lock bag and freezing them overnight. Not only all the bad odours will be gone but also your jeans will be free of germs and look squeaky clean.
2. Save Your Jeans From Bleeding

When you buy dark shades of denims, on the first few washes, it generally bleeds. This results in fading of the colour over a period of time. To prevent bleeding of your denims, soak them in salt and water solution. This will set the colour dye in the jeans and prevent the fading of your jeans.
3. Make Your Legs Appear Longer In Denims

To make your legs appear longer in the jeans, simply cuff your jeans. This trick will make you look taller than your actual height. To add the glamour factor, tuck in your shirt and team up your jeans with a trendy high heel stilettos.
4. Combine Right Pair Of Footwear With Your Denims

Different variations of denim go well with different set of footwear. Combine your skinny jeans with long boots or open toe shoes. Similarly a straight cut jeans can teamed up ballerina flats to create a chic look or a pointy heel to a get formal edge. For your casual jeans, opt to go for ankle boots or pump shoes. Experiment different options from footwear to create the best possible looks to get the best out of your jeans.
5. Tucking Jeans In The Boots

Team up your jeans with stretch boots to give yourself a model like look. To tuck in the jeans in your boots, first fold your jeans up to the desired length. Make a extra vertical fold and wear your stocking over the jeans. This will hold your jeans in place and the finally wear your boots over it.
6. Shorten Your Jeans Without removing The Original Hem

You can easily shorten the length of your jeans without disturbing its original hem line. To this simply pin up your jeans to length you want to crop it up to. Sew a straight line under the original hem line with sewing machine. Remove the excess fabric by cutting it off underneath the new hem line. Fold the jeans back and iron it out to remove the creases.
7. Follow The Care Instructions

To make your last longer, always prefer to handwash them over machine wash. This will not only prevent the jeans from fading but also will prevent from getting roughed edges. Soak your jeans in inside out in bucket of water in which a mild detergent has been added. Do not use harsh detergents on your denims as this rips the fabric over a period of time. Instead of drying them of in the dryers, simply hang them in straight line and let them air dry.
8. Squat Test Jeans Before You Purchase Them

Before buying a new pair of denims for yourself, how can you figure out if this will stretch or it will be saggy jeans? Well to check this, simply do squats for 60 seconds. If the jeans return back to its original form and shape then it’s good enough to invest on it.
9. Use Baby Powder To Remove Stains

To remove the tough grease stains from your jeans, simply sprinkle baby powder over the stain. Leave the powder on the stain for a day and dust off the powder next day and wash the stain. The powder will soak up the grease and your jeans will be free of the stains.
10. DIY Steps To Distress Your Denim

To create a distress look in your jeans, mark the areas you want distress with a chalk on your jeans. Insert a magazine or a newspaper inside the jeans on the areas you have marked to distress to protect the bottom layer of the jeans. Use a cutter to slit horizontal strips and pull the threads with help of safety pin. Remove the vertical threads with tweezers. With this technique you can revive your old jeans and give it a new ripped look.