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If you are one of those who love to keep your body fit then you must have heard of throwing your legs on wall. Throwing legs on the wall is a Yoga pose that relieves stress and allows your body to relax. This exercise or pose is a restorative pose that has immense benefits. The pose is easy to follow and all you need is yoga mat and pillow or towel to place your head. To do this exercise, lie down facing a wall, get your hips as close as possible to the wall and raise your legs up against wall and relax your body and mind. You need to remain in this pose for 10 to 15 minutes. In the beginning you can give 5 minutes to the exercise. Scroll over to explore the amazing benefits of this simple exercise :

1. When you let your legs up on the wall, it leads to lower heart rate and calms your mind and improves your mood.

5 Benefits Of Throwing Your Legs On The Wall Image: Source

2. This exercise drains excess fluids and improves blood circulation and energises your body.

5 Benefits Of Throwing Your Legs On The Wall Image: Source

3. Throwing legs on wall recovers your body after the heavy workout

5 Benefits Of Throwing Your Legs On The Wall Image: Source

4. It helps to relieve tension and relaxes your neck and back muscles.

5 Benefits Of Throwing Your Legs On The Wall Image: Source

5. Stimulates contraction and strengthens your core muscles.

5 Benefits Of Throwing Your Legs On The Wall Image: Source

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