We women are so focused getting a perfect waist line and flat belly that we simply ignore our backs. From tying up the laces to carry the groceries, to hunching over laptop and smartphones, our backs are under constant use all through the day. Yet we ignore one of the biggest muscle groups of our body. As a result our back becomes slouch and we get folds on our sides and back. A toned back not only looks great aesthetically but also improves your posture and gives you an appealing look. Try out the following 7 exercises to work on your back muscles and get a perfectly toned up back :
1. Forward Bends – 2 to 3 Sets of 10 to 15 Reps
Stand straight keeping your feet shoulder width apart. Lean forward without bending your knees and try to touch the floor with your palms. Try to reach the floor.
2. Side Bends – 3 Sets Of 15 to 20 Reps Each Side
Stand straight with your feet wide apart. Raise either of your hand up and place your palm on the back of your head. Take a dumbbell in your other hand and lower it down. Bend your head towards your arm with dumbbell.
3. Push Ups – 2 To 3 Sets Of 20 to 30 Push Ups
To do this exercise, get into plank position with your hands under and slightly outside your shoulder width. Lower your body until your chest touches the floor with your arms at the elbows. Pause and return back to starting position. Perform this exercise under supervision until you have mastered it.
4. Bow Pose – 1 Set Of 20 To 60 Seconds
To perform this exercise, lie flat on your stomach. Pull your arms forward, bend your back and slowly lift your head. Lift your legs and bring your heels close to your buttocks. Reach back with both hands and hold your ankles. Inhale and hold the pose for at least 10 to 15 seconds. Exhale, and return back to starting position.
5. Superman – 3 To 4 Sets Of 15 To 20 Reps
To do this exercise, lie down straight on your stomach on a mat. Keep your feet and arms stretched out. Lift up your arms and legs simultaneously bending your back. Hold the position for few seconds and return back to starting position.
6. Upper Back Lifts On Stability Ball – 1 To Sets Of 12 To 15 Reps
Lie on your belly on a stability ball with your legs shoulder width apart and palms on the back of your head. Keeping your neck straight, raise your head and lower your shoulders and upper back. Hold the position for few seconds and return to starting position.
7. Full Bridge 1 To 2 Sets Of 3 To 5 Seconds
This exercise will need a lot of practice and supervision. For the first few weeks, follow the above given exercises to bring the flexibility in your body. To do this exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor hip width apart. Bend your arms and place your hands above your head. Press your legs and arms firmly and bend your back up lifting your body above the ground. Hold the position on the highest point for few seconds and return back to starting position again. Initially lift your body only half way up, this will form a half bridge, to do the full bridge you will need to practice it under the supervision of qualified trainer.