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With the population increasing at a larger scale, waste management has become a hassle. A proper decomposition process is necessary with so much plastic in the environment and the wastage of non-biodegradable things such as cups, polyester clothing, etc. Otherwise, it would lead to an increased carbon footprint per person.

The entire amount of greenhouse gasses produced by human actions is known as a carbon footprint. One of the highest rates in the world, the average carbon footprint of a person in the United States is 16 tonnes making the average carbon footprint across the globe is closer to 4 tonnes.

Therefore, reusing has become essential in decreasing the carbon footprint as much as possible. Generally, it takes 33 pairs of clothes to get through a year. But we all ladies know that it is not possible.

So here are some hacks that will help you have an excellent wardrobe collection and make minimum wastage:

1. Second-Hand Clothing:

Second-hand clothing is one of the most innovative ways to decrease your carbon footprint. Using second-hand clothes helps reduce your carbon footprint and might give you a ready-made cute outfit. There are many websites and places where you can find cute second-hand clothing that will also save you some bucks. 

Some examples of such websites are Zagumi second-hand clothing, Goodwill stores (Offline), Poshmark clothing, etc.

2. Donate Clothes:

Donating clothing is the second best thing you can do to increase the shelf life. We all have that one clothing material we have never worn or did not fit as we imagined, just laying in one corner of our closet. The clothes you donate will help the underprivileged as well as reduce wastage. It's like killing two birds from one crop top, I guess?

3. Increase Shelf-Lives:

The shelf life of cloth means how many times a piece of clothing could be worn. The general shelf life of a clothing item is 30 times. If you take good care of the clothing item, you can increase its shelf time, decreasing wastage. These small things make a lot of difference. Having clothes that can be worn repeatedly and are made of suitable materials helps financially and environmentally.

4. Try Using One Material In Clothing :

Many clothing is still created in this manner, and typically polyester and cotton are combined when it is not possible to separate those two fibers once again. However, using blended materials in our manufacturing still presents the biggest challenge.

It takes ages for polyester to degrade naturally. The best we can do is create clothing from a single material. These materials can be recycled, and organic textiles like cotton and wool can disintegrate. We must consider the entire item, not just the main fabric, and minimize elements like polyester labels and plastic buttons when making clothing.

5. Get Creative:

We generally go for the basic combinations, and therefore, every piece of clothing we own has a specific outfit in our head. Instead, get creative and mix and match different colors that will make you look chic, yet you will not have to buy a whole new piece of clothing for it. You can draw inspiration from various Instagram bloggers such as Madeline white, the goddess Bella Hadid and many more.

6. When Feasible, Fix Or Repurpose Garments:

Usually, when there is a strain or tear in our clothing, we tend not to wear it, and it is never reused/repaired. Therefore, try reusing and repairing the clothes, which will also decrease clothing waste. Let's say there is a top you can't wear anymore; instead of throwing it out, you can reuse it as a dusting cloth or a mat after a shower.

7. Cold Water:

Cold water is great when washing clothes because it prevents micro-fibers from being released in water and your clothes from shrinking. Also, if you soak your clothes in cold water beforehand, it gets fresher and reduces wash time.

8. Custom Clothing:

Custom clothes are currently in style. On-demand and custom apparel are becoming more popular since they are distinctive, personalized, stylish, and have excellent fits.

To better connect with their customers, brands and merchants personalize every aspect of the purchasing process. Consumer decisions are increasingly important in the age of consumerism, and people are choosing personalization.

So, to conserve raw materials and natural resources and promote ethical and sustainable fashion, choose personalized clothes over mass-produced apparel. With customized clothing, explore your best sustainable styling. The demand for personalized apparel has grown significantly in recent years.


These are some of the ways to reduce the carbon footprint. The only solution for a future with healthy earth, sufficient resources, and equal human rights is sustainable fashion. People have demonstrated that they place a high priority on sustainable fashion, and manufacturers are starting to change their business operations in response. 

Environmental, resource, waste, and societal considerations must be included in fashion firms' processes. We have the ability to support sustainable fashion by buying it and incorporating it into their daily lives.

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