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If you’re all about losing some weight at the moment, but you don’t really know how to start this process – look no further because we’re here to help you out! Here are the top outdoor activities ideal for weight loss, so check them out and enjoy!

Weight-loss activity #1: Hiking

Calories burnt per 1 hour: between 300 and 600

Truth be told, hiking is one of the best activities to go for if you want to build your stamina and start losing weight. Also, it’s a perfect activity for people who haven’t exercised in a long time. So, if that’s the case with you, trust us when we say that you won’t make a mistake with hiking! It’s also important to understand that hiking is a great low-intensity alternative to running. It won’t put your knees and joints under additional pressure, which is essential if you have several extra pounds of weight. Of course, the more you weigh – the more calories your body will burn on a hike. For example, a 160-pound person will burn between 430 and 440 calories per hour of hiking. On the other hand, a 200-pound person is likely to burn closer to 550 calories per hour. Bear that in mind, too!

Weight-loss activity #2: Rock climbing

Calories burnt per 1 hour: between 500 and 900

Rock climbing is a fantastic way to combat your fear of heights and lose some weight at the same time. The best thing about this activity is that your entire body will benefit from it. While trying to climb your way to the top of a rock, you’ll gradually increase your strength and build your muscles. If you choose to make this activity a regular part of your exercising routine, it’ll inevitably improve your stamina in the long run. Also – it burns between 500 and 900 calories per hour, which will help you to lose weight, too. However, make sure to remember that rock climbing isn’t the easiest activity to engage in. If you have never gone rock climbing before, you should definitely go to a supervised facility first. They’ll keep you safe with ropes and other safety requirements, which is essential for all beginners!

Weight-loss activity #3: Tennis

Calories burnt per 1 hour: between 350 and 500

Whereas a competitive tennis game can burn between 575 and 775 calories per hour, a non-competitive one will burn between 350 and 500 calories for an average person. Needless to say, tennis is a great way to burn a lot of calories, have fun, and lose some weight, which is exactly why you should give it a try. This activity will take your cardiovascular fitness routine to a whole new level. And what does it mean? Well, it means that it’ll help build a strong heart and minimize the risk of stroke and heart attack. As this is a high-intensity sport, you’re expected to boost your speed and go Whereas a competitive tennis game can burn between 575 and 775 calories per hour, a non-competitive one will burn between 350 and 500 calories for an average person. Needless to say, tennis is a great way to burn a lot of calories, have fun, and lose some weight, which is exactly why you should give it a try. This activity will take your cardiovascular fitness routine to a whole new level. And what does it mean? Well, it means that it’ll help build a strong heart and minimize the risk of stroke and heart attack. As this is a high-intensity sport, you’re expected to boost your speed and go back and forth all the time. This is an amazing workout that will tone your entire physique, boost your coordination skills, and improve your flexibility. Does it get better than that? We don’t think so!

Weight-loss activity #4: Cycling

Calories burnt per 1 hour: between 440 and 1080

Yes, you heard us well – cycling can burn around 1080 calories per hour. Of course, it all depends on your weight and the speed you ride your bike at. For example, a 120-pound person cycling at 13mph is likely to burn around 440 kcal per hour, whereas a 165-pound person will burn around 600 calories per hour cycling at the same speed. Apart from burning calories, cycling will also keep your body toned and in shape. This is particularly true for the lower part of your body. Besides that, cycling is a low-impact activity. It won’t put your knees and joints under too much pressure, which is the case with running. It makes it ideal for people who have a lot of weight to lose. If that’s the case with you, just find the best mountain bike and upgrade your daily routine with a boost of nature and fitness!

Weight-loss activity #5: Swimming

Calories burnt per 1 hour: between 400 and 930

Swimming is another low-impact activity you should take into consideration. It’s a fantastic option when you want to lose weight without damaging your joints and knees. Besides that, it’s particularly beneficial for people with arthritis. Swimming is said to help them more than any other fitness activity, so bear that in mind as well. To start with, you don’t even have to do laps. Just swimming leisurely will burn more than 400 calories an hour, which is more than enough for beginners. This is one of the best cardio activities that’ll also improve your muscle tone. Swimming will build muscle while burning fat at the same time, which is a fabulous benefit you shouldn’t overlook. Give it a try and you’ll see what we were talking about!

Weight-loss activity #6: Rowing

Calories burnt per 1 hour: up to 1000

Even though indoor rowing has been a true hit over the last few years, we must say that real rowing on the water is all the rage these days. As you need to keep yourself sitting upright, your core will gradually become as solid as a rock. This amazing activity is one of the most efficient ways to burn calories – up to 1000 per hour. It’ll also help you build strong and defined muscles, as well as get rid of stubborn belly fat. It makes it a much better choice than traditional cardio exercises such as running. Only half an hour of rowing will be more than enough to burn some calories and have a lot of fun, so bear that in mind and give this activity a fair shot!

As you can see, there are so many phenomenal weight-loss activities you have to try if you want to shed those extra pounds. These six unquestionably are the best ones out there, so stick to our list and go for at least one you like best. No matter which one you’ll opt for, you won’t make a mistake. It’s a promise!

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